OPP Police Press Releases Thunder Bay

Melanie WAKEFIELD – Drunk Driving

(THUNDER BAY, ON) – A single motor vehicle collision ended with criminal charges for an impaired driver. 

On February 2nd, 2025, shortly after 10:00 p.m., a member of the Thunder Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) attended a call for service for a vehicle that had driven off the road into the ditch within the Balsam off-ramp along Highway 11-17.

Investigation determined that the driver had been consuming alcohol, and an approved screening device (ASD) test was administered. The driver failed the test and was arrested and transported to the Thunder Bay Detachment where additional breath testing was completed.    

Located outside of the driver’s side door was a bottle of Banff Ice Vodka, which was seized by officers, as pictured below.

Melanie WAKEFIELD, 40-years-old, from Thunder Bay is charged criminally with:

·      Operation while impaired – alcohol and drugs

·      Operation while impaired – blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)

The accused had her driver’s licence suspended and the vehicle was impounded. The accused is scheduled to appear in the Thunder Bay Ontario Court of Justice on March 12, 2025, to answer to the criminal charges.

The OPP remains committed to taking alcohol/drug-impaired drivers off our roads through enforcement and public education. If you suspect that someone is driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs, it is important to call 9-1-1 to report it.