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Silence Is Golden And Now Law: The Corporation Of North Huron Mandates Bystanderism

(North Huron) Once again, the illustrious North Huron Council has graced us with their unparalleled commitment to stifling democracy. In a move that can only be described as Orwellian, our beloved council has decided that the best way to serve their constituents is by silencing them. Public comments? Who needs them! After all, why should the people who pay their salaries have any say in how things are run?

In what can only be seen as a tribute to Nobel Prize “Winner” Alice Munro’s legendary bystanderism, the council is doubling down on their unwavering support for pedophilia and the fine art of looking the other way. Yes, that’s right. The Corporation of North Huron is proudly displaying plaques and dedicating libraries in honor of someone who embodies the spirit of doing absolutely nothing in the face of wrongdoing.

In a bold and fearless act, the council is sending a strong message: keep quiet and stay home. Their strategy is simple—if you can’t hear the complaints, then there must not be any problems!

A few years ago, in a stroke of genius, the council removed questions from council meetings. Now, they lament the lack of opportunities to answer those very questions. Their solution? Remove comments too! Why consider returning questions as a solution when you can simply erase any form of public participation?

This latest move is a masterclass in governance by censorship. It ensures that nothing controversial ever comes to light, all while fostering a community of enforced silence. The council’s message is clear: your voice doesn’t matter, your questions are unwelcome, and your concerns will be buried.

Hats off to the North Huron Council for their unwavering dedication to keeping the public in the dark. In an age where transparency is often touted as a virtue, it’s refreshing to see a council that so brazenly upholds the values of secrecy and suppression. Here’s to hoping their next move involves banning eye contact at council meetings—after all, if you can’t see the problem, it surely doesn’t exist.

North Huron Council Contact Info:
Paul Heffer

280 Manor Road
(519) 357-3594
[email protected] 
Mitch Wright
63 Bristol Terrace
(519) 357-9497
[email protected] 
Lonnie Whitfield
94 John St. West
(226) 222-2585 
[email protected] 
Anita van Hittersum
84012 Hoover Line
(519) 523-4492 
[email protected]
Chris Palmer
39331 Belfast Road
(519) 357-3385 
[email protected] 
Kevin Fascist  Falconer
303 King Street
(519) 955-0301 
[email protected]
Ric McBurney
202 Thuell St, Blyth
(519) 441-7415 
[email protected]